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Showing posts from April, 2008

WPF Localization - LocBaml

In my last post I talked about using resource files (resx) to localize your WPF application. This time it is about using LocBaml to localize your WPF application. The big difference in the two approaches is that LocBaml allows you to localize your application after the fact. That is, most applications you have to plan up front to do localization, but with LocBaml you can still localize your application after development. While lots of people will say this I don't really believe it. The reason this is not true in my opinion is because LocBaml only works if all your strings are sourced in XAML. This means that if you use strings that are located in a constant file or a resx file LocBaml  will not work to localize your application. Unless you are building a smaller application or you just happen to set up your architecture so all strings are sourced in XAML you are out of luck. So really when they say you can localize your application after the fact you really can only do it if you h

WPF Localization - RESX Option

About a year ago I was building a WPF project in .Net 3.0 and Visual Studio 2005. I wanted to revisit this subject and see what has changed in .Net 3.5 and Visual Studio 2008. I will make a few of these posts to try and cover all the different options (RESX option, LocBaml option, Resource Dictionary Option). In this blog I will focus on using a resx file to localize an application. To show how the resx option is done I created a WPF form with three labels on it. The first label has is text set inline in XAML, the second has it text set via code behind from the resx file and the third has its text set via XAML accessing the resx file. The first thing that needs to happen to setup a project for localization is a small change to the project file. To make this change you will need to open the project file in notepad (or some other generic editor). In the first PropertyGroup section you need to add the follow XML node <UICulture>en-US</UICulture>. So the project file node w

Excel XIRR and C#

I have spend that last couple days trying to figure out how to run and Excel XIRR function in a C# application. This process has been more painful that I thought it would have been when started. To save others (or myself the pain in the future if I have to do it again) I thought I would right a post about this (as post about XIRR in C# have been hard to come by). Lets start with the easy part first. In order to make this call you need to use the Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel dll. When you use this dll take note of what version of the dll you are using. If you are using a version less then 12 (at the time of this writing 12 was the highest version) you will not have an XIRR function call. This does not mean you cannot still do XIRR though. As of version 12 (a.k.a Office 2007) the XIRR function is a built in function to Excel. Prior version need an add-in to use this function. Even if you have version 12 of the interop though it does not mean you will be able to use the function. The